Thursday, December 13, 2007

Another Ice Storm

Snow Day!This storm brought more ice than the last round. Fortunately, we did not lose power or any more trees. School was cancelled due to the road conditions and we enjoyed a nice, quiet day together. I took Ben to the machine shed with me to get the doors de-iced. After working a little while I turned around to see him wearing some safety goggles. He was ready for sledding. Kristin brought us a cookie sheet and he took a few trips down the ice covered driveway.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Winter Storm

The first day of December brought a pretty serious ice storm. Ice/snow/sleet began to fly around noon. A sheet of ice on everything and a strong wind took its toll on many of our trees.
We lost power around 4:00 pm and it wasn't restored until 6:30
Sunday morning. We set up camp in the living room for sleeping last night and stayed warm by the fire. No problem waking up to stoke the fire, Nora made sure we woke up once every hour.